Jokes from The Simpsons you still don't get?
1984 OJR Salamander
Prehistory enjoyers, debate on the accuracy of this image
Ace is coming back in Elbaf
What are some of your Beastars crackships?
There's nothing behind those eyes anymore.
Does Chris' autism impact his ability to understand humour?
If Lisa was a Christian before becoming a Buddhist, why didn't she believe in angels?
God, Louis looking angry is such a turn on, I feel like he's about to do some bad shit to me
Chris pounding Barb is still crazy until you remember that Chris was down to fuck a Border Collie if it meant scoring with a girl
RIP Chris Chan
What level of autism has Chris got?
1984 OER Gojulas "Mighty Zoidzilla"
Why we never see serious Nika Fruit questions in the SBS:
The wasted potential of Immortal as a character (Invincible)
Why is Chris Chan dressing as a male now? Possible theories in comments.
Beastkind Divided - Chapter 349
I think One piece should've been a book series
Is there a reason Mark uses his seeing into the future powers once and never again
1984 OER Gordos "Great Gorgon"
Hedgehog boys filming starts today
does chris even like comics?
Conquest is the ultimate condemnation of the Viltrumite Way
What character is absolutely getting screwed over by Oda?