Looking for a voice coach.
Thoughts on these sets? Im limited to this particular creek by the land manager, and there isn't a ton of recent activity.
Fleshing Post
Am I missing something?
That new enterable part of the Carentan isn't reflected on Strategic Map.
The man operating the emergency exit in Southwest Airlines' safety pamphlet has a prosthetic leg.
How to find a no commander game?
Looking for teamates!
I wish you could hear my chat. I casually told this guy that my bombing run was gonna be danger close, but we should be fine. I was wrong...he had a family...
Game keeps crashing (PS5)
Ok, this might be the cutest dress ever!! 🥰🥰🥰
Hinge busted, any insight is appreciated! Sony ULTs
Wolf tracks?
My friend is positive this is a drone. I thought it looked more like a Diamond DA40 or something similar. Any information is helpful. Thanks!
Meteor Possible Impact
What song is playing on a loop in this dudes head?
Otters in my pond - anything to be concerned about?
4wd wont engage, it also doesn't give any error message or flashing lights. Any help is appreciated!
This is Kamala Harris in chains in a "friendly" parade. Slavery is their endgame.
Where is the happening spot for trick or treating?
I would like to turn of of these photos into a puzzle for my mom.
Hey technically it was self defence… I swear
To make a point
My stepson loves horror, but isnt very scared from the movies we've watched so far. Seeking recommendations.
3 for 3!?