Murphy's call light
Who remembers?
Hand Cream Recommendations
Tell me a movie(s) that made you stare blankly at the wall for 20 minutes after it finished?
Silly question! What is your gross out kryptonite?
why is the letter "A" capitalized in anarchism? don't we all hate CAPITALISM?
I know their not a punk band but we need these guys now more than ever. What's your favorite song from Rage Aginst The Machine?
The Neocons, Liberal Warmongers, & Military Industrial Complex are gonna flip out
Hopefully, a silver lining
Ross Ulbricht has just been pardoned
Coliseum Cerberus fight
Hot Sauce Lovers?
I think i have a mandela effect here
First record you bought with your own money + first punk record?
So, got a question...
What song would you listen to on this walk
Anyone else that collects random things?
What do you regard as the best role of Bruce Willis that isn’t Die Hard?
Is there a song that just gives you a creepy feeling?
What’s the best movie about mental illness you’ve ever watched?
Booking 2025 Soon - Where Did You Say You Live?
Quotes that make you laugh?
Korean BBQ
What did you do in Skyrim today? Slay dragons? Defeat vampires? Clear an ancient tomb of drauger?
Quests disappeared from quest log!