First good armor to drop for me but..
Is this worth anything?
I think this is a sign I need to take a break.
Finally found uber diablo and took him down!
Math Wizard's How much % Damage Reduction to reach Cap While Cursed with Amplify Damage?
6 OS non-eth Berserker Axe. Runewords?
Ashland's review ( First try solo )
Need ideas for HC SSF challenges my Diablo 2 Brohans
Help what passive bike to play
I have 250 hours in valheim and never once made it to the plains
First Time finding a sunder charm how'd I roll?
Woah, woah, woah...
Would a A5 merc with dual moon crescent be a good budget Infinity merc?
I think I used all my luck..
Necro and Sorc Ubers Duo?
New player here, Opening a world to play with strangers. Name Is WhatTheFuck password is Big lets have fun!
Yes or No?
Did 200 NM Andy runs... finally!
SSF 19/20 Ptorch as pally lmao
Talk about worthless
Weapon upgrade for ethereal Oath balrog blades that isn't Grief or Botd
Are unique Jewels high level dependant? I took a ladder sorc to lvl 89 and now a SSF sorc to 91 and i have never seen one.
Stuck Ssf Javazon
Wow. Single player...
Casual 2-player