New fencer here. Would it be a good idea to join the fencing club team in college this coming fall?
Why nobody liked Edith?
If Forcing Men to Die for Their Country Is Justified for National Survival, Why Not Force Women to Have Babies to Fix the Demographic Collapse? Same Logic, Same Insanity.
My literature teacher hates Fantasy
Did Robert not know Bates was a forger?
Facts not feeling crowd are total hypocrites
Does Anyone Know how to fix this?
when a country is put on the human rights watchlist, they should automatically have their countryhood rescinded.
Anyone else notice how the servants are constantly cleaning boots?
Was Minas Morgul fouler/more evil than Mordor itself?
Denkar’s Drinking Problem
How can such poor sportmanship be tolerated?
Palestinians will never have a homeland and it’s their own fault
Every Democrat that votes for the Republican budget should face a primary
After the One Ring was destroyed, could Ghost-Sauron see Frodo and Sam on the rock surrounded by lava?
Leftwhingers & feminists hypocritically ignore rampant misogyny in Islam & the AA community & only target white men because they listen & help more.
I am so glad the Crawley's never had to move to this small, rundown little cottage. I can't imagine a worse fate.
I’m watching in A New Era
Reading The Hobbit to kids- Thorin, Fili and Kili's death?
Is it weird to say good morning to people nowadays?
if canada becomes the 51st state, america will never have another republican president ever again.
What do you think was the main reason Mary was so set on staying at Downton?
Women often retort that one should "maybe try listening to women" when subject to criticism.
How was the Witch King able to freeze and unfreeze large bodies of water?
Do you think Matthew felt that offended by the sea monster exchange or was he more reluctantly impressed?