Sabe bien?
Which arrange OSTs surpass the original works? Which original OSTs reign supreme?
Why is every ranked lobby fucking disgusting?
8bitdo Fightstick questions about mod
Atmospheric shmup OSTs
I am so ready! Already putting my bonus to good use!
List for new detachment?
Who's on fault here?
Noob question, can I still use the old death marine w/ jump pack models or does it have to be the new ones?
From where is this dude?
Badly drawing a space marine every day(day 2)
Si pudieras retar a la muerte en un juego con tal de salvar tu vida cual seria?
Ando buscando 1 juego del año de la cocoa:(
Call for 'Gradius V' (PS2) to blast onto PSN for PS4/PS5! Take my money Konami!
Recent Pickups
Mushihimesama 1.5 Maniac MAX mode 1CC! A bit sloppy but held my nerve at the end and clutched the win!
My first F1 model. I'm scared for my wallet going forward
first of many...i hope
Guys i just 1cc'd Raiden Fighters 2 with thumbstick 😆 it was My first 1cc ever so.. Big thing for me...
Just started my collection by picking up this from Silverstone Museum
Finally able to show my F1 collection after 5 years!
Newest addition to the Checollection. Checos first car, 2011 Sauber C30.
The 2.0 update crashes all the time. I am playing on Xbox.
2.0 Console Reception.
Updated Coords for after the beyond update. Details in comments