I hate my job
Did you find love after a difficult heartbreak?
Post breakup obsession
My wife says I'm unreasonable but I can't have any more of it.
35, divorcing, scared of starting over
What are your thoughts on being single at 30+ while your friends have kids and families?
Zuck says AIs will replace their mid-level engineers this year
What occupations do you avoid dating women from?
Caught a candidate using ChatGPT
Americans- H1-B thoughts ?
How do some men stay in the marriage/relationship after being cheated on by their wife/gf?
Boyfriend keeps pushing everything back & I’m losing interest
How can you achieve inner peace and feel content within yourself?
Men who got cheated on, how the fuck did you get over this?
This is one of the main reason why I avoid dating single moms
Update: AITAH for telling my 19f daughter she will have to move out of my house if i get divorced because of her lies after her stepdad saw her naked.
What is the one interview question you always ask for senior positions?
Update on Should I get a divorce…
The dating market is filled with so many single moms around my age.
Girlfriend isn’t having sex with me
Picked up my date…from her other date
Would you take her back?
Is it actually helpful to spit error logs into a group chat channel?
no good clubs in washington DC?
Anyone applied to University of Cumberlands?