The winner of that one was Athena, what character is just straight up evil
In Greek mythology, were there any cases of pederasty where the god filled the role of the eromenos?
Today I learned that the sirens in Greek mythology were not seductive cannibals as they are usually depicted
Rapist Greek Mythology Deities
Was Apollo the sun God or Helios?
Did my first ever needle felting and It's harder than I thought! Any help's appreciated.
First time felting. What’s went wrong?
I’m so annoyed explaining to people about my allergies. They don’t believe me or think it’s not actually an allergic reaction
i asked out my 2 female friends and now i regret it.
What is your opinion about Dragon Ball that no one else seems to agree with?
What are facial features people generally associate with stupidity?
Rant abt safe vs 18+ server
Question from a Dni player
Female cat keeps biting other female cats neck
Quick PSA regarding the Rainbow Wish comp
Roleplay website suggestions?
What did I do wrong? This is my Moonlight Knight entry. I'm not saying I should be on the LB, but I didn't even break 80% with this entry. Even WITH a .4 perfume. What the heck?? Is it really that bad? 🥲
[TOMT] Music video with alien girl spy duo?
Veterans vote for Trump, VA hospital stops hiring bcause of Trump
Quickly made meme to sum up this direct:
Did y'all hear what Elon said about work from home?
I don't know if Suitu is beating the ai allegations (ignore the green markings, I couldn't find a good quality bg image w/out them). They realized that tree didn't make sense and had their artists fix it before releasing it. What do you guys think?
Please help me win the credit I’ve been trying so hard for months 🙏🙏🙏