Trading | I don’t offer / pick | lf: 1 neon tortuga | lf good exotic and high tier downgrade for my owl
Trading ! | read body text | I don’t pick/ offer
Trading | read body text| I don’t offer/pick
Trading | read body text | I don’t offer/pick
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Looking for these trades!
Trading | I don’t offer / pick| lf: 1 neon tortuga | lf good exotic and high tier downgrade for my owl
Trading | I don’t offer /pick |picky with owl and mini pigs | lf decent offers and exotics!
Trading | picky with owl and mini pigs | lf decent offers and exotics!
Trading (read body) I don’t pick / offer / sell
Trading (read body) I don’t offer/pick/sell
Trading (read body) I don’t pick/ offer / sell
Trading (read body) I don’t offer / pick/ sell
Trading (read body text)
Trading, I don’t offer/pick/sell | mainly lf 3 neon Irish spaniels and one neon mini pig (any pots) | a bit picky with the balloon unicorns
Lf neon mini pig (pots don’t matter) I can also do it for 4 mini pigs and adds | not taking other offers tho
Lf this trade! Pots don’t matter as long as the mini pig has decent age | not taking other offers unless it’s a neon mini pig