Do you think the whole April Situation with Luke triggers Lorelai’s past wounds especially her childhood ones?
Do you think at times in book 5 Sirius gets misjudged by other characters and doesn’t always receive the empathy for all his trauma?
Do you like Mary? What are your thoughts on her character?
Who do you find kindest in the trio?
Characters saying Rory is being manipulated when she acts in a way they don’t expect her to- how frustrating must this be for Rory?
Do you think Harry fails to recognise how his fame gives him certain advantages Ron doesn’t have? Does Harry acting like his life is a lot harder one of their negatives of his great friendship?
Lorelai telling Jess of for the way he spoke to Luke in Season 4 episode 13- do you think this was something she should have done or stayed out of?
Was Peeta making fun of Katniss for being pure?
Why is that fans are understanding that Peeta is not to blame for the effects of his hijacking but don’t extend that understand to Katniss’s mother after Katniss’s father’s death
What do you think makes Katniss such a great protagonist?
What do you think is Peeta’s main love language towards Katniss?
Does Katniss making a choice to help Peeta after what the Capitol did to him show again her natural capacity for empathy and forgiveness? Would most people choose not to with the exception of Peeta if their situations were reversed?
His first and only real comeback at Gale and he ATE with it
Harry asking Hedwig to peck Ron and Hermione so they give him answers- does this show the pretty bad mental frame of mind he is in?
Jess calling Luke a pain in the ass
Jess and Luke Banter
Lorelai's Confrontation with Jess
The Rory hate in this fandom needs to be studied
What do you think is Matthew’s most admirable trait or quality?
Does Peeta love the true Katniss with all her layers or an idealised version of her?
Is Peeta’s always tied to an emotional commitment towards Katniss that goes beyond romance?
Why do you think Harry’s instinct is to fight back during the argument with Ron just before Ron leaves instead of joining in with Hermione’s attempts to de-escalat