Bleach hair with hydrogen peroxide?
Fall is the best song on Kamikaze
What is Eminem’s funniest verse other than FACK?
Tell me an Em/D12/BME song which everyone praises but you straight up hate
Mine was The Kids in my ass 💀
Give me ANY word and I’ll relate it to Eminem
🚨 Eminem's tour dates have been announced!!
MY Tier List, songs not here are not listened much or at all.
Anyone know how much Eminem responds to fan mail?
Eminem just showed up to your house, what are you saying to him?
I'm laughing so hard 🤣 WTF?
Not Alike but every lyric is the first image in Google
Guess the song
My Fault was chosen as the worst SSLP song by 1 vote! What's the most underrated song off of the Slim Shady LP?
What are yall’s thoughts on Dave blunts? Do you think his music is good? If so, why, or why not?
Whenever I’m arguing about how Eminem is the goat, they always come back with “he hasn’t released a good album since like xxxx” how do I counter this?
Bad One EGOT wordplay. 🤯
If Eminem disses you out of nowhere, what is he roasting you for?
What’s the worst comment you’ve seen on this sub?
Day 'i forgot', Whats I?
Drop an Eminem song in the comments (can be unreleased just don’t go too niche) and I’ll give it a rating from 1/10 depending on how much I like it.
guys it's happening
We Need to get an Eminem song up to number 1 on the billboard top 100
What’s your biggest Eminem hot take?
Was the hype for TDOSS overhyped, underhyped or perfectly rated