Progress already 2 weeks in on upper lower
Gains be going crazy on upper lower
Best pose
23 yrs old still not competed
PR on hacks at 93kg bodyweight
PR at just 93kg bodyweight
PR on hacks bodyweight only 93kg
Hack squat pr @93kg bw
17 yrs old double bodyweight rows
17 yrs old rowing twice my bodyweight
I want to glow up & find a husband
Unpopular opinion: these are for very advanced lifters only
Kinda heavy lol
Unpopular opinion: beginner stay away from these
Improving (even while natty at 93kg 175 23yrs old)
OK this was f*cking hard lol
23yrs old, 93kg. Upper lower started today. Goal is more back and posterior chain.
Tb to 18 yrs old full natty just lifting to look good
18 yrs old, death face, just lifting for fun (could have competed) natty ofc
23yrs old 94kg 3yrs in to bodybuilding
Turning into my best pose
"Easy phase" check-ins
Good check-ins
My favorite chest machine