Talked them BOTH into it
Godzilla vs IJN Yamato doodle
For the love of liberty, just get on the pelican.
Dead Sprint- why?
Hear me out
To the guy I kicked for for the firebomb hellpod booster
Ultimatum issues?
Honestly, a lot of people do not belong in difficulty 10
How much do you think you suck?
When the destroyer in your ranked team is afk
Underrated LH songs?
Tell me the ship you main…
Changing Text Colour
If you could pick 1 land vehicle from any franchise to add to our Helldivers arsenal, what would you choose?
Just don't all shoot out of the car at the same time...
What is your guys favorite ships to play?
We don’t have room for cowards
What are Your Ship Names?
Update 1
Maxed out on super credits
MAKE YOU VOICE HEARD! New order issued!
Brave blue team Graf Zep chases down and brawls red Chklov to win it
An update on my drawing- IJN Yamato vs Godzilla