RANT Sick and tired of cheap meats becoming expensive
It’s so obvious I’m struggling
abusive ex brought his gf to my house today
Help interpreting a reoccurring nightmare
My 10 year old niece called herself fat and ugly today, what would you have done?
Contemplating killing myself currently.
Freaking out
I have been SHing since I was 11
Past three months I’ve had hives
What are your everyday symptoms?
New anxiety symptom
What was the scariest anxiety symptom you’ve experienced?
Stress hives !!!!!!
Butchering chickens for the first time, mentally, how do you bring yourself to do it?
Having a hard time with my ex’s new gf, and the memories of what happened with him.
I’m having a hard time accepting an abusive ex
first time partner was physically violent
What are the worse anxiety symptoms you’ve experienced?
What do your panic attacks look like?
Why is the 95th redline above ground today
What health and fitness myths have been debunked, but are still widely believed today?
Deep fried food is not for us anymore(gall bladder gone since last year December)
Everyone says the red line is the worst I disagree
Happy Venus day everyone :)
protection spell i did :)