For protoframes fans,would you be ok with a Gemini with no lore?
where's dagath D:
sekiro not beating the "easiest souls game" allegations
Is hitokiri still brain dead hero ?
For anyone wondering how the TennoCon Riftguard Syandana looks in game
What something wrong? Art by Yasunososaku
Lidia Sobieska (Kittymiya)
I freaking love this game!!!
Welcome in (Searyn)
My mom's attempt at an Elden Ring cake. She did her best.
yo is this a hard cheater?
She can now dance in the backroom!?!?!?!?!?!?!? Best update ever!!!!!!
ohhhh man :(
Mother Rebecca, please grant your faithful child but this one humble request
I know this is weird
Every Warframe youtube build video
If this was in a Fromsoftware game, what would be on the other side?
Pronouns are scary
Just a Malenia & Miquella fanart
I call it an Iron Lotus
Maybe the dlc's were the 10/10 game
Double chin haunts me
The Coda Motovore is 60% at Eleanor's shop