what does this mean?
Cutting bike lock
Math 8 with Shah optional sections?
dorm selection
What is the highest number of aps you’ve seen someone take?
Do people with 3.5 GPA's get admitted or am I cooked?
Why is my class so smart?
😭I AM COOKED😭 Chanceme into community college
What are some good CS programs for an average student
what are the first 5 songs on your Spotify generated "Indieheads" personal mix
why nicole laeno got rejected from ucla
chance me!! brown, nyu, tufts or BU
What’s a school you couldn’t be paid to go to?
Essay Sucks
Homeschool Student Gets Her College Results and a Lesson
Indian Kid from the South bags HYPSM
Nicole laeno getting rejected from UCLA
help me pick a school
Where’s the weirdest place you’ve opened a college decision?
I’m so sad
Just got a unique early acceptance letter from Harvard, what does this mean?
Rice comes out tomorrow and I've accepted my fate
Rice Decisions
what was ur most surprising acceptance?