Which one do you us3
Where is this?🤔
Whats your homescreen? This is mine 👇
Does anyone still use a Note?
3 days - First setup
After 13 years with iPhone..
Il est là 🎉
Galaxy S24+ Feb 1 Sec update now available in SA
How Samsung made S25 series
I'm not sure it's right version of OneUI7
My First Pixel
What to do with the old Google Pixel 6?
Setup 24 11 30
What song comes to mind?
[Setup] Today’s setup,swipe left for wallpaper
Today setup
DIY home screen with Home Up module
[Setup] New setup with new widget📱
[Setup] Here’s How I Styled My Home Screen for Teddy Day! 🧸✨
This is not a sufficient excuse to justify the situation. What you say to him ؟🤦🏽
Ai is impressive
[Setup] Windows xp on iPhone everyone 😂
Quel est le nom de ça?