Best soup you haver had
Do yall top your soup with these crispy onion boys?
Is it sassy to unfollow a woman on social media if she isn't responding to your messages?
Is it okay to have a crush on my Therapist??
What types of tourist attractions tend to be the most overpriced in regards to ticket prices?
Help! Painted whole dining nook too dark when I should’ve stopped at accent wall
Is this useful?
It could've been any other accessory 🤨
What does my fridge say about me?
Should I buy this deco pack??
My (22m) gf (23f) is secretly visiting my abusive parents with our son (3m) and doesn’t understand why this upset me. We had a huge fight and I don’t know what to do now?
My wife says this doesn’t go together am I wrong?
What is everyone doing for the green comp
Do you leave the washing machine door open after use?
Why do some gas stations force me to pay inside
Has anyone with PCOS successfully lost weight with just eating less/being in a calorie deficit?
Would a woman be creeped out if I showed her a deep fake I made of her?
What’s the best rice to eat with basically anything?
What would you choose as your last meal?
For those of you who have had a "supernatural" experience, please explain it?
Wife wants to name our twins Romeo and Juliet
What y'all doing for the new post comp??
An open letter to the 'I didn't vote for Trump' Americans
Another monochrome post
Belts make me nauseous