Anyone struggle with dinner spikes?
Does anyone plan on staying somewhat on the GD diet after birth?
Clique in the family…
Chick fil a meal that might become a staple for me
How often do you have cheat meals?
Eating dates and drinking raspberry leaf tea, can we?
I just want Mac n cheese
How often do you allow sweets or high carb foods?
What will your first meal be once GD is over?
What’s some interesting things your MFM or diabetic specialists have said to you? Mine told me he’d rather me “run sweeter”
Do you check exactly at the 1 hour mark?
Premier Protein Cookies and Cream - thank me later
It’s beginning….
Same breakfast for 2 weeks…
Graduated at 38 weeks!
Me ignoring the “Fairlife has phthalates” fear mongering on tik tok because it’s the only thing keeping me sane during this diagnosis 😭😭😭
This is exhausting 😭
What carbs are we eating with dinner?
Feeling like I’m failing
I’ve counted 4 or 5 times so far where Michael presses his button immediately after John
Is Ryland going bald?
This will never make sense
Cazzie David
How much diet soda are we drinking?
Do they check on baby at diabetes appointments?