Mmm Radioactive Egg Whites
So good!
Avocado chimichanga with Monterey Jack cheese sauce.
Truly not interesting, riding the bus.
Meet Moosh ( mouse )
The annoying phone at Perkins.
Fruity Cheerios
Cookies! 😃
Vanilla Milkshake: my realtor bought it for me. 🙂 Whats your favorite flavor?
A pile of pizza, breadsticks, and salad.
Some people are incredibly snobby when it comes to grilled cheese. But man I love it just like this.
Simple and Satisfying
He loves the window.
My Boy 🥰
Pretty Girl
Sweet Sleepy Cat
I'm a fan of the express area. Which machine helps you build core strength the best? I'm new.
I was just thinking about what September 11th taught me as a child.
I bought myself a Happy Meal because I was sad. This was my breakfast.
Potato Deluxe
My coworker sent me this today. What beautiful art.
The sky looked so pretty before the storms came in.
Too perfect.
Chocolate Mints from the funeral home. Perfect depression candy.
How do you like my staircase? I just moved into my first permanent home. And this poster is 5 ft tall.