maladaptive daydreaming
How do you deal with the hostility people give you?
Stop asking “Am I ugly?”
I give up.
Why does AuDHD (autism & ADHD) make life relentlessly BEWILDERING?! Making it vastly difficult to successfully navigate this so-called biased game of life, "set up" to favor neurotypicals?
How do I deal with being made fun of by random guys all of the time?
"You can't really complain about people considering you unattractive when you never wear makeup"
does anyone else feel like their friends hate them?
Im sick of people with imaginary haters. If everyone dislikes you, it is likely you.
What does your family think about your utter lack of relationships?
One of my co-workers is quitting and knows the girls all team up to bully me.
Pretty privilege exist BUT do you guys privilege the pretty?
Emotional support is pointless to give if you are ugly
Would you recommended Penn Foster or GED ? (As an adult).
Is excluding someone bullying?
People looking at you then getting mad when they are caught out
Paralegal certification
One surefire sign of being ugly is being single at a certain age and beyond
DAE have people make up lies about you to justify disliking you?
Anyone else feels like your connection to your coworkers worsen as time goes on?
It’s like they can sense the fact that I’m different over the screen
Just saw a guy single for 10 years claim he only wants attractive women.
i just started my paralegal internship and i don’t think i want to do this anymore…
All you need to be social is TO NOT BE UGLY