[Fem V] Backstage
My Oberland Station Home
BUILD REQUEST (SS-BR002): Design a Class A "Rocket" with Amun-7 Engines
Jade Industries Super Void "9 lives" - JIR - Fighter -
Jade Industries Super Void "9 lives" - JIR - Fighter - SteeleStaryards Challenge
No Quarters
RR-21 Kestrel, racing ship
My first ship
Steele Staryards Challenge: Build a Rocket (My Submission)
GLADIUS, Class C GGP Assault Lander... **Lore and mod list in comments** **Interior tour posted next**
Thank God for BadTech
Jade Industries SAR1 "Mercy" - SAR/Medical
Jade Industries C4 Masada - Cpt "Valkyrie" JIDF - Meet The Staff 1
WIP 3/20/25
Fun Cards + Updated mini fighter before crash loss
The Aggressor - A CollTech Fleet Destroyer
Drift Runner II-Class | Crimson Fleet Smuggler Retcon [Trailer/Build Guide/Tour]
Loving this ship
Chase Greatness! A Steele Staryards Refit
CEO update: WIPs and Ideas
Jade Industries Hardhome - Stronhold Retrofit - Multi Role
UCR Capricorn - Battleship
JI Lancer Luxury Selene GT
Nova Corps "Medusa" Deep-Range Observatory