How could the elements be managed?
What Minecraft version was this screenshot taken in?
What's your take on this Toa Nuva design style? These are promotional renders from the 2003 game.
I was Today years old when I learned about this Cannister Function
Super Mario 64 - Early motion captured Mario animation (1995)
Do you think one of the reasons Bionicle failed was due to the joint pieces breaking?
Final statement from Duckbricks on the Faber Files/Magnaleak situation. I encourage you all to read it in full. (Via a comment on the Ignition Zone youtube channel)
Could the minecraft movie confirm minecraft earth as canon?
How do you feel about this random collab?
Found bionicle in store in 2025 !
The Best System Toa Mata Builds Are Back And Are Now, Forever Transformed!
Just Read the Novel of The Legend Reborn, and here are my thoughts
Bootleg Talking Strong Bad from my dream
I had a dream where I was at some kind of storage with Sackboy plushes from Toys'R'Us and they had a Talking Strong Bad plush. Wait, that's not Strong Bad, that's a bootleg variant. ATOMIC STRONG BOY!
Marvel: 76323 Avengers Endgame Final Battle (via fateful_04)
Marvel: 76323 Avengers Endgame Final Battle (Source: fateful_04)
Unreleased system Visorak build from the toyfair prototype version of 8758 Tower of Toa
give me your bionicle hot takes
In case anyone was excited about those 2025 return rumors
Is this a misshapen hau or is it just fu*ked up? (not mine)
Lewa definitely goes commando
Toa Rapahku, another small system moc. Tried to focus on larger specialized parts for a more classic constraction feel.
Marvel: 76321 Spider-Man 2: Train Scene details (via fateful_04)
Marvel: 76321 Spider-Man 2: Train Scene details (Source: fateful_04)
Some fun with AI video to animate my matoran
What makes a Bionicle?