I recently acquisitioned the Servants of Freedom warbond and wanted to ask; is this a "proper" use of the Portable Hellbomb or should I be saving it for larger threats?
Game stutter / Getting disconnected.... Looking for fixes.
Gas is godly against the new gloom bugs
Bug front is the hardest front and I’m tired of pretending it isn’t
Thoughts on the New Warbond?
How is the PS5 version compared to PC
Destructible Pelican
Uhh… where is meridia?
Sooooo the autocannon.
Is there a way we as a community can come to together and agree to stop throwing strats like this? Or at least wait until everybody is on board?
Almost 400 hours and I am now realizing I never used the jetpack. Is it as fun as everyone says it is?
Hopefully this paves the way for helldivers to come to xbox.
Playing with randoms use to be the best experience, until these past few weeks
F*ck Zodiac simbols, Helldiver what is your favorite biome?
Still waiting for this *leak*
Manually Docking your Guad Dog Rover.
Killzone 2 crossover gear
If you ever feel useless, remember that there are SAM Sites in Defence missions
Bots have a PT run song…
Adjudicator not good?
Why do people say warband is better than bannerlord?
Serious discussion on theory
[OC] Yo what about a Command & Conquer collab?
new crossovers should be similar to the Viper Commander war bond let me explain