Path of Radiance ending prediction
Looking for 7 people to create a NSO + EP family plan [EU]
NSO Expansion Family Slots x 3
What are the worst things each character has done? Day 7: Shadow
Remember when P3R was initially revealed and Aigis was the first character shown, if you had to choose someone for the first P4R reveal, who would it be?
Casual mode is necessary.
how i can play twewy in computer?
Love is Love
Will this game get harder?
Which game has given rise to best/ most iconic memes?
Characters whose vocal performances (English or Japanese) absolutely make the character for you?
Is this cheating?
What was your first playthrough like?
Who is (or was) your main Persona? DLC included!
Just finished P5R, which game should I play next?
Alright. Who’s making it into the next Smash game?
Is it a good idea to play all versions of P3 simultaneously?
I got DLC characters for free? Please explain
How did you get into persona?
Yahaha! You found me!!
Is Persona 2 Innocent Sin bad or am I just stupid?
Is it safe to share my location here?
Voice Actor for Link(LoZ Ocarina of Time)