[WTS] [Pricecheck] [Riven] [PC]
[WTS] [PC] [Rivens] [Pricecheck]
[wts][price check][pc] is this a good one?
[PC] [Q] Which is better?
[WTS] [PC] [Riven] does the neg affect the gun alot?
[Pricecheck] [PC] [Riven] [WTS]
[Q][Pc][Riven] wich one is better ? ( i got no more kuva so that’s why i ask)
Warframe Appreciation Post + Huge Giveaway (Over 2000+ plat of value)
[Riven] [PC] [PRC] Unveiled this riven and got this, was wondering how much something like this was worth since I thought it was pretty good. I haven't re-rolled it or anything if that makes any difference.
Is this a good first gun setup?
[WTS] [PC] [Pricecheck]
[WTS] [PC] [Riven]
[WTS] [XBOX] [riven] clanmate got this riven, doesn’t have reddit or wfm
[PC][WRS][Q] how much can i get for this?
Very happy
[Riven] [PC] [WTS] 6,969p only lmk
[PC][WTS][Riven][PRICE CHECK] Unrolled Verglas Riven. How much can I sell this for
[PC] [WTS] [Riven] Perfect roll for hate. Lmk if want u are interested
[PC] [PRICE CHECK] Should i keep rolling or is it enough?
[PC] [Q] Keep or roll?
[PC] [PRC] how much is this worth just rolled it not long ago
[PC][WTS] Offers?
how is this? i got it for 140p
[xbox][wts][riven][price check] Okina riven