How to highlight to my managers manager that my manager provides no value to the business?
should I have bought the neighbors kids an icecream?
Shit crazy
I was being friendly..?
A cool guide to Islam's rules of war, by Muhammad (PBUH)
Skalisty is underrated
All abductions have one weird thing in common.
Someone had to say it (satisfying video) 😭😭
Did he do the right thing
Hiring managers - do you instruct your recruiters/HR to reject applicants with a gap in employment?
My cat made a really pathetic face when I tried to take this hair tie away from him
should i buy dayz? :/
I never get lost, die to sickness, lack of food or water anymore. Here are some freshie tips to avoid early starvation, navigating, and staying alive.
I need a super hard survival game (Xbox)
Seattle is a low-expectation town...and that has a lot of troubling implications
What are some things a player does that lets you immediately know they’re a noob?
What will you do when ghost of yotei comes out?
Server rug pull - is it inevitable?
Which server do you main and why?
TIL you can saw the barrel of pretty much any long gun.
What do I do now? 350hours in
32-year-old stepson set fire to escape after being locked for 20 years in his room
How good is the sawn off blaze?
Scummy scummy players
Gas station women battle royal