Solar battery recommendations?
Straight back to Two Cathedrals
This is an Oliver Babish appreciation post. Share your favorite Babish moments, quotes, musings, etc.
Mildly interesting: a NSW map from 1907 showing Dalgety, and not Canberra, as the capital of Australia
Compatibilty with C450
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Do any ALDIs in Canberra sell Paulaner beer?
Playing some Most Wanted 05
And so the collection grows...
Todays purchases - one for me, one for kiddo
My Fisrt PS2!
My Canberran PS3 needs some love :(
Belconnen Park n ride
Modest Beginnings
If Gordon Freeman had a Voice Actor then who would you cast as Gordon?
Nasty fall Compoface
Best Aussie Film in My Collection?
A cricket fighting a praying mantis 🦗🌿 #WildlifePredator #NatureInAction #TigerHunt #WildlifePhotography
Not Everywhere Needs A Food Van
My MD Journey Begins
Todays Find
Getting fit to TWW
Hello old friend