Thought ya’ll would appreciate this video
Just cancelled my Tesla Cybertruck reservation. Surprised they actually gave me my $100 deposit back!
Unexpectedly Pregnant
Somebody Call Marketing
We have babies! They're getting so big they're struggling to stay in the pouch
Took a photo of this lifted Cybertruck to laugh at it with a friend only to find out it hit the brand new BMW M2 next to it as it pulled out. Owner apparently said he “turns off the censors because he doesn’t like the noise they make…”
Important announcement!
Have you guys ever been harassed like the stuff you see online from owning a Tesla?
What should I name these baby kittens?
Taking my trash out I’ve found 5 very small orange kittens abandoned by dumpster and they are all crying . I’m not sure what to do 😔.
Despite seeing multiple docs, my eye watered excessively for 7 years until I took this picture
What age did periods stop, or started not to come?
they glow
Disappointed in myself
Show me your rare girls! 🐈 I’ve never seen one. Here’s my boy.
Cats fighting after coming inside
ALL community cats have dissappeared
What’s the most controversial building in Milwaukee?
What’s the most controversial building in your city?
This spicy kitten belongs here
Adopted feral kitten need advice!!
George Devereaux ASMR
Ox - accidentally eats a pieces of squash expecting an apple slice and spits it out (at 30 s)
We have a husband and wife that frequent our yard
How do ya'll deal with static shocks?
I’m so confused by my cat (who I think used to be feral)