What part of the US am i n?
Looking for the best dinner you’ve ever had recommendations
Curly girl opinion needed
Hi, does anyone have access to the movie ' Matchmaker 1997'? I have been searching for it high and low to surprise my partner with it since it's her favourite movie but I cant seem to find it anywhere
Dim Sum?
Alcohol slushies
Help, I need legal advice to deal with overstepping gf of ex!
Ex's new wife manipulated my oldest son to cut his hair.
thoughts on swearing.
What book changed your life? I want to read it.
A letter to my 4 kids under 10 whom I have been stuck with since March 13th 2020
I’m done. We’re done.
My three year old made his own lunch, cleaned up his room, and changed his own pull up
Wife is out of Job due to COVID -19 and now depression has consumed her. Any book which can help her during depression attacks?
Is it normal to feel victorious and empowered when you find evidence of his cheating after you've broken up?
When a codependent gets healthy
interesting article about why "nothing is ever good enough"
Update: I got the abortion
Does it ever end?
Fantasy Novel that's more concerned with Wonder than Worldbuilding?
I miss him
If i saw you again (a letter to the one i gave too much to)
A fantasy series about people in training to control elements?
Day 2 curls still intact