new guy who lost a bet
Only 8 contestants in that big ass house?
Alex B's father
This never gets old
So far S4 cast looks great ( big ups to Meredith pregnant the crackhead )
I miss seeing Jobe gettin drunk and breaking stuff
Tf is Dunyae doin on his story?
Now that I know Nick actually does have a daughter. I am now extremely curious what Sam acts like when she's around and if he actually behaves.
Burt Foot
Jobe spotted in the wild
Payton's punch randomly going viral on X again
honest question what does Nick actually do?
The most wholesome part about this community
Baby sammy serious: Vegas was a fucking disaster which sucks because it could have been great. an honest discussion with hindsight
Sup n!gs, we will be interviewing Alex the methking on our podcast, want me to fuck with him?
Recommendations for Tall Boots
best friend you could ask to bring to the show!
Why are racists like this
S4 Freeloader
Before and after having to walk 5 miles back to the house in 80f heat after my golf cart broke down at the show.
Horse diving in the 1920 s..... Can't imagine why this didn't gain popularity!
Horse diving in the 1920 s
BOO Chapter 5 is the best chapter don't go back to rust
Looking for Lightweight show jacket recommendations
My first horse!
Whodunnit better