Give me an MLP song, I will rate that song out of 10
What’s your favorite “He’s out of line, but he’s right” quote in the series?
Even though part 5 was not technically Jason , still one of my favs !! Who agrees !?
How some of you mfs think the gameplay is supposed to be
Why do many people hate this episode so much?
What is your Halloween hot take ?
is "Chucky" the funniest character in slasher movies ?
Which movie had the best 3rd act?
Who is the evilest?
Guys, remember that episode where the monks had no chi and Dojo saved them? Did you also die laughing when you saw Raimundo washing Chase's underwear and suddenly the blades came out of it? At that moment I was like... "Chase, how? And why?" 🤣🤣🤣
It's ironic how Eddy never wrecked Kevin's bike
Say nice things about Scream 2022
Anyone else really prefer the Smith‘s family dynamic to that of the Griffins?
My two favourite characters from each season that aren't the main protagonist. What are yours?
Tell me one thing you don't like about the Terrifier movies.
What were some of your favorite showdowns?
If you had to eliminate any movie from the franchise, which one would you eliminate?
What’s your Halloween final girl ranking?
Is it possible to block certain players from getting matched with you? I usually get matched with the same players and lately all of them main as Beast Gohan. Just wanna fight against other characters again.
What’s your Mt Rushmore of final girls?
What’s your thoughts on Wrong Turn 2: Dead End (2007) ?
SCRE4M (2011) Is this anyone else’s favorite Scream sequel?
Who is Your Favorite Character to Face Off Against?
After 3 playthroughs, I’d love to see everybody’s Phantom Thieve ranking. Love them all but I couldn’t resist doing this.
Would you both like to come to our house for dinner tonight….?