Any punks in Quezon City, Philippines?
Tryna get into motorhead, what are yall's favorite songs?
for a battle jacket
Lvl 70 gauntlet user how can I get stronger
What band got you into metal?
was/were there tv shows or movies that ‘radicalized’ you?
Why are you punk?
drop the most painful lyrics you've ever heard.
What should I title this painting?
first book for 2025 ✨
Rate my vest
Any discord servers?
Are there any discord servers where punks can hang out?
Working on the back, still finding a shirt worthy of becoming my main back patch
I'll draw your silliest pet photos:)
What's the lace code? Is it still alive?
what is this band name?
POV: Joining a random server
Hosting a robot fighting competition called Kill-Bots
Vote for the best released song that's not on the main 5 albums
What Filipino dish can you eat for breakfast,lunch and dinner without getting fed up?
What MCR song moments make you weak in the knees?
What song does this remind you of?