Monika sitting on MC
what did Dan Salvato mean by this?
What is something you're genuinely nervous about in chapters 3 and 4? (Gameplay, story, characters, Ect)
Rejoice Eupha admirers!!!
Whose the best boy in S.E.E.S?
Persona 4 true ending
Sayori helping MC (Doki souls)
As a Dark Souls 2 Fan, you need to defend this boss fight.
The pink menace finally has five fingers!
What are these supposed to be?
(Spoilers) Can you summon or be summoned in Memories? Specifically Memory of Jeigh aka Giant lord memory?
Glitchtale hate is stupid
Forden is the one who's straight up evil. And last but not least! The man/woman with no screen time but all the plot relevance!
What if sans’ reset worked normally?
Which is stronger The dark dragon blade or the blade of the arch fiend?
Why doesn't MC just call the Phantom Thieves for help? Is he stupid?
Strohl's the only normal guy around here. Now who's the one whose name we don't rember?
Is DDLC considered a gooner game??
In the end Brigitta is the hottest one! Now who's the only normal person?
DDLC Community creations!!
Know the difference between the canon and fanon protagonist.
Looks like Milo was made to be hated for us all. Now who's the hot one?
Camila Cuevas' Youtube channel is back, but I don't know is it still hacked or got her channel back
Refantaziorama: What are two characters you wish interacted? I'll start.
I love how non fanservice-y this game is (especially given Atlus's tendencies)