My turn finally 💍
My turn finally 💍🥹
Rate this pear setting
Advice on how to settle my eyes from bad reaction to lash glue?
90s Pamela Anderson
update: thanks to this sub's reccomendations, I took the plunge and love my new short hair!
Twelve hours of work. I asked for golden blonde but my hair is nearly white. Not really into it. Help! 🥺
I bought a homeless man food and watched him give half to another guy I didn't see across the street
First time posting the S4. Still smile every time I look back
Got the call
Acne coverup before and after! I broke out like this because I was accidentally “overdosing” on vitamin D3 and I refined my heavy makeup skills real quick…
Picked up my first Rolex - a timeless classic
Job Searching in Sydney
I made a playlist of 1,727 "happy" songs sorted from most to least happy by AI. Give me a number and I'll give you the song.
Sydney 3yo with rare genetic condition becomes youngest to die with COVID-19 in NSW
Is going to bars/pubs alone considered socially acceptable in Sydney?
Which movie have you seen more than 7 times?
What’s your favorite boba/bubble tea flavor?
Idk if y’all knew about this but…
I just got accepted to medical school! I’m gonna be a Doctor :,)
Today is my birthday
Chest tightness/uncomfortable after second dose of pfizer
What is the greatest Nickelodeon TV show of all time?