How do you tell people that you do not like their presence and wish they would stop talking to you?
My name is Coo
How tall can I be?
Does any one have some pics of non penetrating shots on panzer 2s?
Can y’all bully me into working out don’t hold back
[16m] just looking for someone to talk to
Are there any codes currently?
Just some pics of me cause I’m bored and have no one to talk to
[M16] just looking for someone to talk to about random stuff cause I’m bored
Just finished a pretty easy 60 mile run, I’ll probably do another tomorrow
What’s y’all’s impression of me based on these pics?
First impression of me
How’s the fit?
Well I never knew the average man in South Korea stands 6’9! The more you know
If I air these up, can I make a 2.3k mile trip on them?
Abandoned house in southern Illinois, no idea on age or anything about it
Abandoned house in southern Illinois, no idea how old it is or anything about it
What's your inseam and your height
unusually tall 18M european student, ama
How tall are your parents compared to you?
Why do people always assume I’m taller than I actually am
Does anyone in the southern Illinois area have German stahelms and are willing to trade for M1s?
What’s your parents height?
Do people pick fights with you a lot?
Knife I’m selling (it’s my 7th knife)