u/MegBreslin’s Courier Page and Feedback Thread
[XB1] H: TFJ. W: Glowing Jackalope, Glowing Bigfoot, and the Nuka Cola 6 pack set. Let me know and let’s make a deal!!
[XB1] H: Tattered Field Jacket and Wrapped Cap, Glowing Robot, Urban Scout Mask, Legacy BOS Initiate Paint plans, and Weenie Wagon plans. W: Glowing Jackalope and a mass amount of Fuzzy Tokens.
[XB1] H: Tattered Field Jacket. W: Glowing Jackalope, 2 “Item for Ally” miscellaneous, and a Nuka Cola 6 Pack miscellaneous. Let me know and let’s make some sort of deal!
[XB1] W: a few of these “Item for Ally” miscellaneous items. H: a lot to trade for some of them. Let me know!
[Discussion] (XB1)Anybody have a few of these “Item for Ally” miscellaneous items?
[XB1] W: A few Davids Trophies and a few Nuka Cola 6 Packs. H: tell me what you want and need
[XB1] W: A few Davids Trophies and a few Nuka Cola 6 Packs. H: glowing masks, apparel, mods, fuzzy tokens, etc…
[XB1] W: A few Davids Trophies and a few Nuka Cola 6 Pack. Glowing masks, fuzzy tokens, mods, etc…
[XB1] H: TFJ. W: A new glowing mask bundle that includes the Glowing Jackalope in it. Let me know!
[XB1] H: TFJ, Urban Scout Mask, 2x BOS Initiate paint plans, and a Weenie Wagon plan. W: Glowing Jackalope, Glowing Abe, and Glowing Unicorn.
[Discussion] (XB1) And here’s the video for my camp. Check out my last post for Info!
[Discussion] (XB1) Come check out my camp!! Bring your caps!!
[Discussion] (XB1) Come check out my camp!
[XB1] H: TFJ. W: New glowing masks type bundle.