To Kill or Not to Kill?
and the adventure continues...loved it so far
So, yesterday I started playing Andromeda on Insanity as an Infiltrator.
My infiltrator hot or not ??
Mission to clear Eos
Replaying DAI and probably the most disturbing note I’ve found…
i really like how aggressive Eos look
Janitor ai refugee!
What is the best early game weapon and why is it this?
Thank goodness for beer
How do you guys kill them?
who would write such a thing
Possibly the greatest bloodstain ever
I just got the usurpation of fire ending and tf does it mean?
How did I miss these enemies
If you use embers - do you use it before a boss fight or in while fighting as a last resort?
Is this satisfaction?
Think I just used up all my farming luck in a few seconds
what is this place?
This is a gnarly fuxker
I’ve hit my first boss ‘wall’ - any tips for beating the Twin Princes?
Sacred Flame can be a silly tech option to use to avoid crystal sage's phase 2 indefinitely if you spam it. Not the only way, but an underused pyromancy with some interesting uses like this. (NG+7)
Is DS3 a horror game? This wasn't okay... (first playthrough)
Did I just get one shot by a glitch ? Or did this Silver Knight go Ultra Instinct on me ?
Tis but a scratch!