[TDM] Dracogenesis (via LRRMTG
Steel Eeveelution
New arkadia mon, wellinstuck! A ghost/rock type
AMPLIMITE , AMPLITON , and convergent evolution , AMPLIDROID. Based on Stereos.
Mega Emboar with a slim waist
Pokémon x Yu-Gi-Oh!
Yami Gallade - Pokémon x Yu-Gi-Oh!
Mega Buff Meganium
My take on Mega Meganium
Sad Diglett Variant
10 Days of digital art how well am I doing?
Glacial Mountaintop Fakemon
When you are naive enough to think Russia are now the good guys.
Some regional forms
Lost Cactus Pokemon Revisited
Lunatone - Shield Variant
Lunatone - Spear Variant
Converg Name Suggestion
Quetzalcoatlus Fakemon
unstoppable urge to draw illustration rares? more likely than you think