Safe around Kids?
UM Zelos or AV Avenger X as first pcp
First illness, please guide me. So upset.
Timing on first eggs
Crossed Beak Help
Is bamboo ok to use as roosting bars? Is this roost setup good for roughly 20 chickens?
Does upgrading this burst change the burst from 2 to 3? See picture
New account team assistance please
Rooster bit my 9 year old son’s hand pretty bad
I’ve just cleared this whole area of blackberry brambles. How do I ensure they don’t come back?
What are you looking at, I'm supposed to be up here...
Chicken identification assistance please
Identify breed and sex assistance please
Get your SS rank on Titan without a legendary team
What we would pay our teachers if we paid them what we pay babysitters.
🔥 An endless river of bats pour from a cave - Cueva de los Murciélagos, Mexico
First time evil – commander rep/gear priority?
Developer Request: Paid Reputation Reset
Theoden, Cleave vs. Flanking for extra points
A robot trying to replicate human emotions
T3 Commanders Good Faction
Highways have these runaway ramp for vehicles without brakes
Is there a good commander with Sharku's "Resource Gathering" talent?
Any benefit to holding equipment for strengthening/refining in S2(quest rewards?) Or should I just upgrade my gear now (last 24 hours before server change) to save time in s2?