I Gotta Have My Pops!
🎶Baked a real fine cake,it’s gonna make you shake!🎵
Which King Neptune design is better?
How should Neptune's Spatula should be fixed/rewritten?
I wanna thank God. Uh, I wanna thank the lord God. Uh cuz it's not really up to me it's up to Him. Uh and I wanna thank the Devil too cuz uh, that's why God's there.
When you go into the kitchen at 3am turn on a light:
What SpongeBob episode is the funniest
Chicks Galore?!
What is Squidward's kindest moment?
Going with the flow
AI VS Hand Drawn Animation
ElianoAnimates made a Mario and Zelda Fan animation
okay serious question, what season did spongebob become an idiot
Episode Idea:The Fall of King Neptune
Does anyone else HATE King Neptune?
Oh go fuck yourself Diane
I love that Lois laughed at Peters stupid jokes in the early seasons
Stars maturity
How Do You Feel About This Some Have? (I don't agree with this at all)
Why do the Go! Teen Titans do mean-spirited things and acts like jerks than heroes?
Why it was not a good idea to have the Go! Titans host the Warner Bros. 100th Anniversary Party and Ruin It?
To The Mickey-Copter
Remembered when The Muppets and Star Wars predicted their future owners 45 years ago?
They are a perfect twins