In my opinion ET/DA rewards are not worth it for the difficulty. Doing the last gamemode you can unlock shouldn't net you mostly R0 arcanes, especially for the legendary reward pool.
I'm lost 😔
Never ever meet your hero’s. They might be like Mikasa
Is the giants the strongest race
Where do these opinions come from???
If Eren didn't interfere and just let things play out, how long would it take for Marleyans and Eldians to put aside their differences?
We hate to think about it. But I feel its inevitable at this point
What Fictional Setting actually have a solution to entropy?
Completely objective tierlists
who would win
Final Form Drifter
Just hit this jackpot while buying relic packs on Cetus.
“Well lets spawn my first Coda surely i wont get a silly name right awa-“
Hey DE i believe there is a typo in the new Elite Endgame Activity rewards. I am seeing three words, where i should be seeing just two.
Why do so many men globally abandon their kids?
Be brutally honest, do you consider Luffy a “hero”?🤔
Do your weekly EDA, Tenno.
Why do so many people still have no idea what to do for alchemy in circuit?
Black-centric vs Green-centric
Fanfic Tropes that you LOVE
Would Stannis support a trueborn daughter of Robert?
One Piece Chapter 1143 Brief Spoilers By Pew
Invisible, unuseable wire?
In your opinion, which Warframe is the most perfect in its current state? Subsumes and augments included.
Nyx can use archwing gun in ultimate