Tyler after seeing the Kanye tweet
Is there an equivalent extension to this on Firefox?
What song will be the best as an alarm?
Breaking up with someone over text is the best way to break up with someone
Time enough passed has
Real ones know, Kendricks greatest song
You're Kendrick Lamar for one day, what are you doing?
Why is being downvoted so affective?
What do you guys think of people who say Migos were robbed at the 2018 Grammy Awards?
Can we talk about how underrated this song is?
Rate this build
Fuck it, send me any Kanye song, and i will honestly rate it from 1 to 10 in my opinion.
What do you guys do with this much money?
Am I bad or is it normally like this?
Kendrick put his whole heart in Count Me Out
What is the general consensus on the Khan boss fight? I personally found this boss fight terrible compared to the others in the game.
What are you naming your child based on a tyler song
Meaning behind kendricks performance (at least some)
Albums with this vibe?
Bro think he ye 💀🙏
Name artist better than abel ..
Here are all the albums that I wanna hear one day. Whaddya think? Any suggestions?
This will go down as the worst response to a diss track oat