[PS4] H: TFJ & 2x Red Asylum, W: Offers including new Glowing.
H: 1 Reflective + 1 Rejuvenators W: 30 Leaders
H: Tradeable 4* Weapons and Legacy. W: Offers
H: tse15r 419 dragon W: 300 4* mods
H: 180 leaders w: rare apparel/fas mask
[PS4] H: Glowing Jackalope and Veggie W: Apparel offers
H: 2, 419 Legacy Dragons. W: Leaders, glowing, or outfit offers.
H: Offering Free Rejuvenator Mods W: Just Ask
"H:"responders set W: glowing mask or offar
H: 1550 leaders , 13 big guns ,21 endurance,10 melee , 11 small guns , 23 unarmed , mag bundle W: LC and rf set bundle offers
H: 60 Leaders W: GSB
H:glowing mask W:Offers PSN
[PS4] H: glowing veggie man W: offers
H: 25 Leaders W: The absolute worst legendary roll weapon possible
H: Grolls and Legacies. W: Leader or Apparel Offers
[PS4] H: Weapons. W: Offers, Glowing Masks, Apparel, Leaders etc
[PS4] H: Legacy Nuka Quantum Paddle Ball. W: TFJ + LC or Offers
H: Groll Weapons Bundle with Legacy Holy Fire. W: Glowing Jackalope.
H:all on pics W:Rare apparels or weapons (psn)
H:Glowing Veggie man w:Rare weapon offers
H: Weapons. W: Offers.
Took an ID card screenshot every 50 levels 1-1000
(Discussion) 🚨SCAMMER GUY!😱🥶 just read this😭😂
H: Travelling Leather Coat + USA Mask + Crazy Guy Mask. W: FCJS
H: Weapons. W: Offers