Need help recognizing this
Name the book that you're currently reading
Why are Muslims unable to use logic
Just found out that anal s*x is actually haram
I Think Someone Put a Curse on Me… Need Advice! (15F)
I have never used profanity on reddit
Ramadan mubarak
The deception of
were any of y’all real muslim?
I just got into crypto, which content creators are legit?
Internet will kill islam(currently a muslim but with doubt)
losing v-card
What made you sure there is no god? (Asking because I’m struggling)
Are virginity tests real?
Arabic speakers. Is this true?
Girls & women should be dumb and useless to appease muslim men
Weekend's climb rewarded with unforgettable mountain views 🏔️🌄
Muhammad's Letter to the Persians
What religion did your parents identify with and do you identify with same religion and have same level of religiousness as parents?
How this little dude put out a fire
i speak 6+ languages. AMA
feeling like ending my life but i don't want mother to be sad
what you think about this ?
what rights were women given?? muslim tiktok is ridiculous
Median nerve problems