Hey, I wrote a Behemoth song, any thoughts?
Forɘget - Original AI Tool Song I made with my own lyrics for fun and from curiosity. Non-Tool fans close your ear balls, it's not an introduction to Tool
Forɘget - An original AI Tool song made with human made lyrics. Would love some feedback and tell me whatcha think (put tons of effort into this one trying to make it sound good and Tool-like, so no low effort)
There are no bad tool songs you just need time to appreciate them all.
Forɘget (Original AI Tool Song)
Finally polished the shield/sword clang reaction! (Gunboat God)
Sam Altman teasing something next month..
How many units do I need to stack before I win?
I made a Distant inspired parody song called "Caught In The Web" that I worked and manually edited from SunoAI generations. Took me a while and I would love feedback! I'm not a musician but I really enjoy listening to extreme metal and I wanted to try to see how far can I go with AI!