Which etbs are worth getting atm to hold?
Looking to buy some vintage packs for my collection is it worth getting graded ones?
Anyone had problems with modded gba keeps restarting whilst trying to play?
My game boy advance keeps restarting while I’m playing Pokemon on it without warning.
Would a surging sparks booster box be a good investment?
Best game boy advance modded screen for dark rooms?
What is the best modded game boy advance screen wise to be able to at Pokemon games in dark rooms?
Graded base set booster pack
Last member suggestions
Loooking to get Pokemon crystal what kinda price is good as price chart has it £120 loose but loads of listings for £85/£90?
Looking for suggestions to fill the last 2 slots for my team currently got marshtomp, golbat, breloom and kirlia.
Just been delivered cannot wait to start a new save and relive the nostalgia
Looking to buy Pokemon silver is this real and these are the only photos I have?
What is a good price for a gameboy advanced? Looking for a good condition one to play emerald on?
Can someone link the best place to buy an item to keep my complete in box Pokemon emerald protected? Are there certain display boxes?
Good deal?
Real or not
Real or not?
Pokemon emerald complete in box
c4c,I'll help back