Coming to Realize I'm Unlikable
"I look like a normal girl, but I know more about diseases than make up"
Is this balayage worth $400+?
"Get your hair cut short it will look fuller" says someone without fine hair
Finally took the time to replace the brown paper gallery wall I put up two weeks ago by the real thing. Still have holes to patch and stuff to put on the shelf (thrift store here I come!).
I learned why boss wouldn't make a yearly schedule for me!
Finally created my own sanctuary
Pick your favourite look 💕
The home I inherited from my parents has a bath they created by enclosing the patio. I love the terracotta tile but my wife insists we redo everything! 😢 Am I the asshole for saying no?? 🤔
Virginia and Devin
My cat suddenly started having behavioral issues
New pants - style advice?
Overwatch's D.Va voice actress harassed and berated by westjet employees for the entire flight duration
What are the worst ways you get dopamine?
It's supposed to be about celebrating the couple but it's not
A dream about a former classmate's weird life
Am I being too sensitive about this?
Interview Prep for Desired Job
“Quirky” girls — what does it mean to you?
My coworkers and I kept tally of all the last minute reservation requests today. Happy Valentine’s Day!
tech goth office ootd
Valentine’s Day dinner. Which option is best for a fancy steakhouse?
Cat weird symptoms, vets don’t know
Leaving employee supporting manager and HR with replacement. Is this a thing? Are there pitfalls?
🍿 can't wait for the update
The "pale blue" dress my sister bought for my wedding