Most average city in the United States of America?
Do you prefer a smaller home if the layout makes more sense?
How far do you plan ahead with # of kids when buying a home?
Switched states and updated policies and my Mazda went up 349%.
Cannot pay up more for the situation of our dreams and I’m torn
Steep driveway bad idea with kids?
Do you buy the situation or the home?
Anyone here use BECU for their mortgage? How was your experience? Strongly considering them for our next home.
Anyone here recently use BECU for their Mortgage? How's your experience?
Is going through a Credit Union better for fees and lower rates?
Eastside Parents: Which School District Did You Choose and Why?
Education focused parents: How did you decide on the school district of choice?
Route from Florida to Washington state at the end of March
Greater Seattle Area Parents: Which School District Did You Choose and Why?
The peak of Colts fandom. The reason I keep coming back despite it all is to feel even a tiny bit of this feeling.
Teachers: What Should Parents Look for in a School/District?
Parents: How Did You Choose a School District?
Rivian volume interval needs adjustment
These RAN rates down i5 are forcing my hand
How to best handle snow on loading day? Losing my mind with this winter load.
How is anyone supposed to buy a house right now
I laughed out loud at the absurdity.
This is racism at its finest.
Concerned about using PODS in the snow-how to keep stuff dry?
PODS vs UPack if needing storage?