Is Wichita safe?
AIO - My boyfriend said I’m the “prettiest when I shut up” in front of his friends.
My gf (22f) snuck out of our bed to cuddle with her brother (22m) on the couch in the middle of the night, and now she's mad that I'm mad??
Crazy Ex regularly hits me up with life updates
How do I (30F) ask my wife (28F) to stop singing in the car?
My brother killed himself yesterday.
Husband won’t get rid of aggressive dog (we have kids)
Partner (M31) wants me (F30) to choose between him and the dog
I (18F) don’t like how sexual my bf (18M) has been recently and don’t know how to discuss it with him
Do men like receiving flowers?
My husband(39M) and I(33F) on the brink of divorce. What should we do?
genuinely what the FUCK is going on
Are you FUCKING KIDDING ME!?!?!?!?!
I don't know where my marriage stands
Today a coworker died, emails went out... and his job got listed.
My (26m) girlfriend’s (24F) farts smell rancid and it is killing our sex life
My boyfriend (18/M) of 10 months admitted that he cheated on me (19/F)
My (20F) boyfriend (19M) cheated on me. How do i heal from this?
Safe to visit as a trans couple?
You are asked to rename Earth, what are you calling it?
Locked out of iCloud :(
Strange side effects
Jared browning ( gooch )
Friend says that my hygiene routine is too much and that I should tell my therapist
I’m a Canadian. Give me some hope that my country isn’t just about to be annexed by Trump.